Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Octopus Making Progress

We have had a nurse in our home for just over a week. I had mixed emotions about having a nurse come in our home to help me care for Octopus. It was a struggle for me to admit that I could not be everything to everybody in our family. I had to come to the realization that I needed some help caring for Octopus and that she needed someone other than me to assist her.
Up until 2 months ago, we were getting along fine. However, when Octopus started having seizures and her skills regressed, I was finding it harder and harder to keep her safe, and meet the needs of Captain and our other children. The seizures caused Octopus to have problems eating that resulted in her not chewing her food, swallowing whole bites, and getting choked. She lost the skill to swallow small bites of food which resulted in her over-stuffing her mouth. Therefore, mealtime alone took her 55 minutes or more with me supervising each bite she put in her mouth. When her feeding therapist started working with her, we switched to pureed foods. Now, Octopus is eating one solid meal a day and working on feeding herself pureed foods; so that, she can join the family again at mealtime. We really miss her at our table.
In just over a week with the assistance of the nurse, Octopus has learned to fed herself a solid meal and not get choked. She completed her meal tonight in less than 45 minutes and didn't aspirate or get choked. Woo-Hoo !!
Not only have I seen progress with meals, but her verbalisation's are up, she is interacting more with her siblings, and she is regaining some of the skills that she lost.
The best news of all came today! I walked in the house to find Octopus sitting on the potty. NO ONE TOLD HER TO GO POTTY!!! She pooped, washed her hands and left the bathroom with only one verbal prompt from me to "turn the water off". As I wiped the tears from my eyes, I realized that I had done the right thing by allowing a nurse in our home. Octopus is making progress without me involved every minute and that is okay. It is not about ME anyway. It is about what is best for her and right now a nurse is what is best for her and for our family.
Thank you "Nurse"!! We welcome you in our home and all of us are blessed to have you.